DAO Governance
WiHi Improvement Proposals

WHIPs - WiHi Improvement Proposals

WiHi Improvement Proposals (WHIPs) are the primary mechanism for WiHi to reach organization-wide decisions that are binding to all.

WHIP-1 (opens in a new tab) illustrates the mechanism of how WHIPs are created, discussed and decided. Everyone is encouraged to submit WHIPs. If you are unsure how to do so, please come to our discord (opens in a new tab) and ask your questions. We will gladly support you in creating your first WHIP!


A WiHi Improvement Proposal (WHIP) is a (technical) design document providing information to the WiHi community, or describing a new feature for WiHi or its processes or environment. The WHIP should provide a concise (technical) specification of the feature and a motivation for the feature.

Creating a WHIP is a mechanism for community members to propose new features, to gather community input on a topic, and to document the design decisions that have gone into WiHi - once accepted, a WHIP becomes binding for the WiHi decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). The WHIP champion is responsible for building consensus within the community and documenting dissenting opinions.

The WHIP mechanism is an inclusive, participatory, transparent, (optional) anonymous and open process to shape the WiHi system. These characteristics are required to faciliate the collective intelligence of the WiHi system which relies on free access to information, private/ unbiased/ unpressured reasoning, and free speech (opens in a new tab). This collective intelligence of our community will ultimately drive the system to achieve and sustain our mission: weather and climate intelligence anytime and anywhere - community-powered.

Our WHIPs utilize digital democracy (opens in a new tab) mechanisms, such as various deliberation and voting mechanisms, and are continuously adapted to the latest technology. Hence, the WHIP process itself is subject to changes that are defined in future WHIPs. Please feel invited to shape the way how WiHi makes decisions!


The WHIP process begins with a new idea for WiHi. Each potential WHIP must have a champion -- someone who writes the initial WHIP using the style and format described below, shepherds the discussions in the appropriate forums, and attempts to build community consensus around the idea. The champion is also automatically an author of the WHIP.

Each WHIP has to have the following structure

  • Meta-info
    • Author(s)
    • Type [technical, governance, etc.]
    • acceptance date [when decision becomes final]
    • link/ address of proposal on-chain [when decision becomes final]
  • Abstract [max 200 words]
  • Specification [of the concrete improvement]
  • Motivation [(of the authors) for proposing the improvement]
  • Rationale [of design decisions within the specification]

Further (sub)-sections can be added.

The champion is the one editing the proposed WHIP, but can allow others to join editing in which case these have to be added to the list of authors.

A champion can be any community member.

The current process for getting a WHIP accepted is illustrated in WHIP-1 (opens in a new tab).